Selasa, 12 April 2011

New Header

Holla long time no share. I've changed my header.
For your information, my header is made by Cassandra Niki, do you know her?
She is the author of Letters-Stories-Dreams. I adored her, really.

What do you think about my header? Cool? Yeah Cassandra Niki made it by photoshop cs2.
Blah blah i think i don't have any stories for shared. Uhmmm by the way i do apologize when i have a mistake, i will face the final exams or you can call it UNAS. Wish me luck :D

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

gifts from bali :)

i've been travelled to a beautiful island, the most favourite tourist place to stay.
where is it?

bali island :)
this is my gifts from bali :)

                                                    he's my boyfriend. alessandro aditya.

                                                     he's ugly, me too haha don't be angry dear

we were taking photos of anyplace. memang kita photofreak hehe narsis gitulah tapi cakep kan? huh -_-
i'm searching of my another photos, where is it? wait a minute....

                                           he's erman, bigbelly haha is he like dochi sadega? i don't think so

                                                           with qushai and novia. we're crazy. agree?

                                                            my teacher! mr.yana haha liat dong backgroundnya asik deh

hahaha kok capek ya ngupload gini?
lanjutin nanti aja deh hahahaha segini dulu, abis buanyaaaak sumpah fotonya :P

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

copy paste dari tumblrnya ovie :)

I know you don’t care with what i care about

I know you just gone when i hold on

I’m trying to be the one for you

But i feel useless when i saw you……………..

Laughing with another girl

and looked so happy with her

So, why you can’t do as i do for you ?

There are many unspoken words in my mind

If you’re not for me , i’ll let you go..

Thanks for Marsha Mutiara Sukma , who gived me her story , love you :*

dari aku : love you too Retno Darin Novindri :*

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011


ini sebuah cerita tentang seorang anak kecil yang lucu, nggak ngebosenin, sedikit cuek dan kadang antisosial. enjoy it :)

ini kisah tentang anak kecil yang duduk di kelas empat SD, yang suka bengong didalem kelas, let me guess what in her mind. dia suka gigit kuku sambil mikir "kapan ya bel istirahat" atau "kapan ya bel pulang"

ini kisah tentang anak cewek yang suka banget main PS-PSP-laptop- pokoknya segala media elektronik yang ada game nya. she is a gamer you know. game favoritnya game robot jadul tapi menurut dia interest banget, grand theft auto vice city story, thrillville, the sims segala tipe, dan saint seiya.

dia beda dari anak kebanyakan. dia beda dari temen-temennya. aku tau dia spesial. tapi she's lazy. she's too lazy to do something important. dia lebih suka bangun siang a.k.a membangkong tiap liburan. kerjaannya main ps baca komik makan dan kadang nyanyi nggak jelas (dia hapal banget soundtrack seint seiya-voltus-getter robo).

dia kadang nyebelin, pengen tau apa yang tak lakuin, pengen baca isi inbox di handphoneku, sukanya "cieeeee" kalo baca sms dari al, annoying banget heehe tapi kalo nggak ada dia, sumpah, rasanya sepi. nggak rame. dia bisa hidupin suasana, bisa diajak curhat meskipun bocor kemana-mana. kadang diajak ngomong jawabnya "ha" "apa" "gak tau".

dia suka nggak konsen dan nggak sinkron jadinya tiap hari hampir nelpon temennya namanya rifqi buat nanya pr sampe mamanya si rifqi ini bilang kalo duduy ini fans beratnya, tiada hari tanpa tanya pr.

aku sayang banget sama anak ini. anak yang hidungnya pesek giginya kuning rambut bob pipi tomat dan hobi joget joget geje. 

inilah duduy, adik saya tercinta  
i love you duduy (annisa cahyani putri)

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

no pain no gain

halo :)
aku bakal memulai menulis dengan tersenyum (sebenernya mencoba tersenyum)
kemarin waktu sholat jamaah dhuhur sama vani-vina-anindita-berliana,
i cried, literally.

iya, aku nggak tau kenapa, mesti kalo ngerasa nggak enak sedikit aja pengen nanges (gembeng)
i know i love crying tapi aku memang ngerasa nggak enak.

mungkin karena habis ini bakal ujian dan try out bimbel dan segala tetek bengek yang pasti menyita tenaga banget, mana lagi flu akunya (perasaan aku kalo flu luamaaaaa lho)

aku nulis sambil dengerin secondhand serenade - fall for you. lagu ini ngenaa banget di hati. menyayat lapis demi lapis dan terasa nyelekit banget *lebay

aku ngerasa al berubah. he doesn't think that i'm trying to be the best for him. 
aku ngerasa aku gampang sakit. boring lho minum obat sering-sering itu.
aku ngerasa hidupku nggak sebahagia dulu. that's why i cry.
tapi aku sadar, udah kelas tiga nggak boleh terlalu mikir yang aneh-aneh.
aku udah harus fokus! oya aku belum kasih tau ya kalo aku punya resolusi 2011? ok let me tell you guys.

#4 : NYELESAIIN LAGU BUAT GOODLACK (oh ya promosi dikit ya, Good Lack ini band nya sahabatku, i know this band will be a famous band with the measurable difference)

yaaa begitulah. i have to try to be stronger girl. hidup itu nggak ada yang lancar-lancar aja. no pain no gain!

Fall For You :')

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a boy like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you i'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start


But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a boy like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cuz talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

*lagu secondhand serenade dg sedikit pengubahan :')